Undergraduate Advising
The Office of Undergraduate Student Affairs (OUSA) advises Kinesiology's current and prospective undergraduate students on matters relating to admissions, orientation, registration, curriculum, global engagement, internships, career planning, and graduate school preparation. OUSA can also provide referrals for guidance and counseling, health issues and disabilities, financial concerns, and more.
The OUSA staff is here and ready to help! We strive to present a one-stop, student-friendly environment designed to meet all student needs. Ask us a question or schedule an advising appointment.
Our offices are located on the second floor of the School of Kinesiology Building in Suite 2300 (Student Affairs).
Our advising staff is working remotely a few days a week. The best way to contact them is:
- Scheduling an appointment at myadvising.lsa.umich.edu/appointments/offices/KINES, or
- Submit a question to one of the advising staff listed below by emailing them directly.

Contact for: OUSA leadership and strategic planning; support for students in challenging situations and student emergencies; test accommodation scheduling oversight; meeting with students seeking reactivation; reviewing requests for exceptions and routing to appropriate committees; Emergency/Enrichment Fund; student organization support and engagement; Welcome Week activities.

Contact for: Recruitment and admissions (first-year, cross-campus, and new transfers); events and visits for prospective and admitted students; winter-start program recruitment strategy; scholarships and awards for new and returning students; readmitted/returning student support; career development.

Contact for: Academic advising services oversight; degree audit process; annual bulletins.

Contact for: Global engagement oversight; meeting with students seeking to go abroad; oversee pre- and post-departure initiatives for study abroad programming; assisting faculty with global engagement program development; global engagement awards.

Contact for: Academic advising; pre-health initiatives (lead); graduation audits.

Contact for: Sport Management Immersion (SMI) winter-start program; career development.

Contact for: Academic advising; pre-health advising; graduation audits.

Contact for: Sport management student internship and/or job search strategy, networking assistance, or to discuss long-term career goals and planning.

Contact for: Test accommodation requests; weekly undergraduate student e-newsletter; OSA front desk and administrative support; processing student records (major/minor declarations and changes); MCommunity student groups; student outreach programming; graduation audits; Parent & Family Weekend activities.

Contact for: Academic advising; pre-health advising; Orientation and New Student Programs.

Contact for: Academic advising; liaison with Applied Exercise Science (AES), Athletics, and Newnan for cross-campus transfer students; assisting with degree audit coding, academic standing updates, and records updates.

Contact for: Recruitment and admissions (first-year, cross-campus, and new transfers); events and visits for prospective and admitted students; Kinesiology Student Ambassadors; Movement & Applied Exercise Science (MAES) winter-start program.

Contact for: Meeting with graduate and undergraduate health science (Applied Exercise Science, Athletic Training, and Movement Science) students for career development, including resume writing, cover letters, and LinkedIn; health science employer engagement; health science career postings and weekly e-newsletter; collecting and compiling first destination data; administering and interpreting the MBTI.

Contact for: Individual counseling work with students, and consultation with faculty, staff, and students. Occasional educational programs tailored specifically for Kinesiology students.
Schedule an appointment: Email Dr. Smith ([email protected]), or through CAPS at umichcaps.titaniumhwc.com/EMBkines.

Contact for: Assisting with global engagement initiatives; meeting with students seeking to go abroad; facilitate pre- and post- departure initiatives for study abroad programming; facilitate planning process for assigned faculty-led programs; global engagement awards.

Contact for: Academic advising; graduation audits.