Research Seminar Series: Lara Boyd
April 4, 20252:30pm - 3:30pm
Event Details
SKB 2200
April 4, 20252:30pm - 3:30pm
About this event
Lara A. Boyd, PT, PhD, fCAHS, professor and distinguished university scholar at the University of British Columbia, will speak on, “Exploiting Neuroplasticity to enhance motor learning in healthy and damaged brains" at an upcoming research seminar.
Friday, April 4,
SKB room 2200
Light refreshments
RSVP: myumi.ch/W6REd
This talk will review recent data illustrating how neuroplastic change takes place in the human brain. It will discuss how interventions can be applied to stimulate motor learning. Data illustrating these processes in healthy human brain will be contrasted with that from individuals who suffer from brain damage such as stroke.