Abbi Lane

Q: Out of everything you're working on right now, what are you most excited about and why?
A: I'm most excited about thoughtfully designing exercise and lifestyle interventions that are realistic and equitable for postpartum people. So much early work used rigid, in-person aerobic interventions that often resulted in lackluster findings. The interventions required an abundance of resources and personal motivation and people didn't adhere to them, diluting the potential efficacy. We need to think outside of the box about types of exercise interventions, with or without other lifestyle changes as adjuvants, and how to deliver exercise to postpartum people.
Q: What's one thing about your work that might surprise people or that people might not know much about?
A: It might surprise people to learn that a substantial portion (over 50%!) of total maternal mortality occurs one week to one year after delivery, not just during pregnancy. That first year postpartum is such a critical time for so many reasons, including mortality risk and establishment of new patterns in health behaviors as a family. It's a time when people might be motivated to address the chronic conditions that may have complicated their pregnancies. We can't let postpartum people go unnoticed.
Q: What's your favorite thing about our school and why?
A: Despite being born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, by completely over-the-top Buckeye fans, I'm really enjoying the school spirit here. Everyone has a lot of pride in all the aspects of U-M, including academic programs, athletics, and the sense of community. Please don't tell my family, but I was so proud to take our lab photo wearing maize and blue this week.
Q: Which states and/or countries have you lived in? Which was your favorite, and why?
A: I've lived in Ohio, Florida, Massachusetts, Texas, Illinois, Iowa, South Carolina, and now Michigan. I worked two summers in Maine. I'll take Maine in the summer and South Carolina in the winter, please!
Q: What's one fun or surprising thing about you?
A: I have an identical twin. She's an HR executive for Nike.
Despite being born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, by completely over-the-top Buckeye fans, I'm really enjoying the school spirit here. Please don't tell my family, but I was so proud to take our lab photo wearing maize and blue.