Ann Mehringer

Ann is working with David Conroy in the Motivation Lab and the Roybal Center for Promoting Adherence to Behavior Change and Enhancing Cognitive Function and started at SoK in January.
Q: Out of everything you're working on at SoK, what are you most excited about and why?
A: It's hard to choose just one project! We are working to help sedentary young people increase their physical activity, people with a history of kidney stones increase their water intake to reduce chances of getting another kidney stone, older women decrease pain and increase physical activity, and older adults find their motivation to be more active. I think the common theme that I love most is helping people make sustainable lifestyle changes to improve their wellbeing.
Q: How do you balance your time between the demands of your work and personal life?
A: Through trial and error, I have created my own sustainable habits that help me be more present in my day, whether at home or at work. I have learned great planning and time management skills to prioritize the important things and set boundaries as well. I also believe that balance is NOT a daily tally of how many hours spent on A and B but instead much more seasonal — where demands of A will get more attention at times and then time will come where I will attend to the demands of B.
Q: What's your favorite thing about the School of Kinesiology and why?
A: I have found myself surrounded by exceptional team members who are supportive, excited, and eager to make a mark. The support staff (HR, finance, etc.) have also been very friendly and helpful. The beautiful building with all the natural light is pretty nice too!
Q: If you could go on vacation anywhere, where would it be and why?
A: We are planning our next epic family adventure to Alaska. My brother passed away a year and a half ago, and we are going in his honor to visit our favorite cousin in Fairbanks. We are trying to figure out how to schedule and execute the trip with six people, five dogs, and two cats!
Q: What's one thing you'd like to brag about (personally or professionally)?
A: I am a nationally board-certified health and wellness coach, doing my part on the weekends at the individual level to help people make sustainable lifestyle changes and thrive.
What I love most is helping people make sustainable lifestyle changes to improve their wellbeing.