Jennifer Choi

Q: What's the most meaningful or satisfying aspect of your work at SoK?
A: I am greatly proud to be part of the Center for Inclusive Mobility Environments (CIME, pronounced "see-ME") and actively work towards the mission to ensure transportation systems are accessible to all people, especially older adults and people with disabilities.
Transportation is an incredibly important vehicle (pun intended!) in connecting us to the multiple dimensions of health, whether it is going to a medical appointment (e.g., physical health) or to the park (e.g., physical and/or social).
Q: How do you balance your time between the demands of your work and personal life?
A: As much as I feel highly fulfilled in my work, I deeply value my personal time for myself and my loved ones. Currently, my favorite way to destress starts with the bus ride home. I play my favorite songs and enjoy the scenic ride of Ann Arbor. This is also the time I get to think about what I am going to eat for dinner, or make plans to call my family and friends. Most evenings are filled with vibrant check-ins with my loved ones!
Q: What's your favorite thing about the School of Kinesiology and why?
A: I particularly love that CIME is housed in the School of Kinesiology because our work at the center truly expands on the concept of mobility to the environment and focuses on how we move/interact with our social and physical environment. I am excited to make meaningful interdisciplinary collaborations and am already inspired by the brilliant group of students, staff, and faculty here!
Q: What's one fun or surprising thing about you?
A: I was a certified Zumba instructor! I absolutely love to dance, so if anyone knows a great Zumba class, please let me know!
Q: If you could go on vacation anywhere, where would it be and why?
A: Italy! I love Italian food, so much so I wanted to go to college in Italy for my undergraduate studies so that I could eat Italian food all day everyday. If anyone has a great itinerary and is open to sharing, I welcome all recommendations!
I am greatly proud to be part of the Center for Inclusive Mobility Environments (CIME, pronounced 'see-ME') and actively work towards the mission to ensure transportation systems are accessible to all people, especially older adults and people with disabilities.