Nikolas Webster

Q: Out of everything you're working on right now, what are you most excited about and why?
A: A "Behavioral Economics of Sport" course I am developing. Our department has several top scholars within the sport economics space, and therefore we offer several courses that focus on these topics and issues. With my background being more in the social-psychological area (particularly within the context of sport consumers), I thought it would be great if we could offer a course that blends these two areas. The course will focus on the social-psychological processes that drive behavior of consumers and how that influences economic considerations within the sport industry.
Q: What's the most meaningful or satisfying aspect of your work?
A: Teaching is the most meaningful aspect of my work. I love reading, writing, and research, but I have always found joy in teaching. I had wonderful teachers and professors throughout my educational journey and without them, I would not be where I am today.
Ever since I was a kid, I always loved to learn. My teachers, professors, etc. helped provide learning environments that allowed me to explore, discover, and create. When I started teaching undergraduate students during my time as a graduate student, I have strived to do the same for them. Watching students learn about the world around them is unlike any other feeling, and I am incredibly fortunate that I have the opportunity to help them reach their academic and professional goals. For me, learning is my life, and I could not be more grateful.
Q: What's your favorite thing about our school and why?
A: I love that the School of Kinesiology supports student success. In my short time here at U-M, it is very apparent that the school does all that it can to offer our students wonderful experiences (e.g., study abroad, research collaborations, etc.). Administration, staff, and faculty do all they can to put the student experience first, and I think that is what makes us special.
Q: Who are the special people in your life?
A: My partner, Melissa, and our dog, Gus. (He is a Chihuahua/Pug mix...very feisty). I also have six siblings. In order, including myself, they are: Kyle, Nikolas, Alyson, Abigail, Noah, Keaton, and Joseph.
Q: What's one fun or surprising thing about you?
A: In graduate school at Indiana University, I recorded an album with a few friends of mine. I have played guitar and bass for about 15 years now, and we had the opportunity to record an album and play a few live shows in Bloomington while we were in school.
Watching students learn about the world around them is unlike any other feeling, and I am incredibly fortunate that I have the opportunity to help them reach their academic and professional goals.