Yoon Kim

Q: Out of everything you're working on right now, what are you most excited about and why?
A: I am most excited to start working with study participants! I love working with people (kids especially!), so I'm looking forward to get some more hands-on experience administering assessments and working with the families that come into the Motor & Visual Development Lab.
Q: What's the most meaningful or satisfying aspect of your work?
A: One of the most meaningful aspects of my work right now is working with our Community Advisory Team and other community partners/organizations. Coming from a public policy and social work background, I have been learning so much about disability advocacy and what it really looks like to involve community members (including the populations we study!) in all of our work to ensure it is respectful and accurate to their lived experiences.
Q: How do you balance your time between the demands of your work and personal life?
A: I like to make sure to have social/self-care events scheduled every week, whether that looks like getting ice cream with my roommate or rollerblading around my neighborhood. I try to make sure to be present in my home life before/after my work hours so that I can be rested and fulfilled in all aspects of my life.
Q: Which states and/or countries have you lived in? Which was your favorite, and why?
A: I studied abroad for a year and spent a semester living in Chile and then in South Korea! I loved living in both of these countries because I got to spend lots of time outdoors (hiking/rock climbing!) and learn a lot about people, language, culture, and myself.
Q: Who are the special people in your life?
A: My chosen family, a group of family friends from my Korean-American community in Chicago.
One of the most meaningful aspects of my work right now is working with our Community Advisory Team and other partners. I have been learning so much about disability advocacy and what it looks like to involve community members (including the populations we study!) in our work to ensure it is respectful and accurate to their lived experiences.