Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The U-M School of Kinesiology fully embraces the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion and believes that they enrich the learning environment and enhance the school’s innovation and overall productivity. We have developed a draft and preliminary plan for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in Kinesiology. Our DEI plan proposes some new programs and initiatives relative to diversity, equity, and inclusion; however, the overall essence of the plan is for us to organically weave, infuse, embed, and integrate a consciousness and sensitivity to elements of diversity, equity, and inclusion into our existing culture – our ways of doing (our policies, practices, and procedures) and our ways of being (our teaching, learning, research, and service). The strategic thrusts of our plan are to: (a) increase our demographic / compositional diversity, (b) promote inclusive excellence (in teaching, learning, research, and service), and (c) create a fair, positive, and supportive environment for all of our faculty, staff, and students to thrive. Our DEI motto is: KIN - ALL IN!
Below is an executive summary of the highlights of the Kinesiology DEI Plan. To access the full 2.0 plan, please visit myumi.ch/VMNJj. The plan is a living document. It will undergo continual revisions, it welcomes additional input, and it will be revised and adjusted accordingly (as new ideas are generated, new information is obtained, and different needs arise). I encourage you to review the full plan, and I welcome your feedback. You may send your comments to [email protected].
As you can imagine, achieving the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion will take a continual, systematic, and sustained team effort. This process will span the next several years as we continue to plan, implement, evaluate, and revise our DEI efforts and initiatives. The participation and engagement of our faculty, staff, and students in this process is critical! We need your feedback (your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas) to create an effective document to strategically guide our DEI efforts and to facilitate and sustain our success. We also need your active support, involvement, participation in our DEI activities. In the true spirit of team… I hope you will be ALL IN for diversity, equity, and inclusion in Kinesiology!
Ketra L. Armstrong, PhD
Professor and Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
School of Kinesiology
DEI mini-grants for Faculty, Staff, & Students
The School of Kinesiology Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion invites faculty, staff, students, and student organizations to apply for funding to support projects, research, educational initiatives, travel, and other efforts that advance our DEI strategic objectives. Priority will be given to requests that directly impact the school, university, city, county, or state.
Please submit a 1-2 page proposal of your project addressing the following:
- Project's Description: Describe the purpose and rationale for the project.
- Project's Alignment with DEI Objectives: Explain how the project aligns with our DEI strategic objectives.
- Project's Impact: Explain the potential impact and scope of the project relative to its contribution to achieving our our DEI strategic objectives.
- Project's Distinctiveness and Innovation: Describe the unique aspects of the project.
- Project's Budget and Financials: Explain how the requested funds will support the project.
If you have questions, please reach out to [email protected].
The University of Michigan is located on the territory of the Anishinaabe people. In 1817, the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Bodewadami Nations made the largest single land transfer to the University of Michigan, ceded in the Treaty of Fort Meigs, so that their children could be educated. We acknowledge the history of native displacement that allowed the University of Michigan to be founded. Today we reaffirm contemporary and ancestral Anishinaabek ties to the land and their profound contributions to this institution.
Creating and maintaining a respectful and welcoming environment for all to live, learn, work, and thrive is a priority at the University of Michigan. To that end, a group of professional staff members provide Campus Climate Support and focus on addressing concerns that may create harm to members of the university community based on their identity.
A campus climate concern can include actions that discriminate, stereotype, exclude, harasses or harm anyone in our community based on their identity (such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or religion). Concerns may stem from fear, misunderstanding, hatred, or stereotypes. Behaviors may be intentional or unintentional.
We encourage you to use the resources at deanofstudents.umich.edu/campus-climate-support to report concerns and to encourage others to report if they have been the target of or witness to a campus climate concern.
Highlights of the Kinesiology Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Plan
(Read the full 2.0 plan at myumi.ch/VMNJj)
- Increase the diversity of Kinesiology students by:
- Engaging in intentional and targeted recruitment via print and electronic communications and participating in on and off-campus outreach and engagement activities with entities that serve broadly diverse students.
- Adhering to an inclusive review process for undergraduate and graduate student admissions.
- Offering financial, social, and cultural support (Application Fee Waivers, Kinesiology Merit Fellowships, Kinesiology Bridge Program, etc.) to support the enrollment and success of, among others, underrepresented students.
- Improve student inclusion, engagement, and belonging in Kinesiology
- Offering students inclusive instruction and engaging classroom experiences in Kinesiology courses.
- Supporting diverse and collaborative community building/bonding endeavors for Kinesiology students.
- Establishing an inclusive mentoring and peer advising program for students to address the needs of all interested students, and particularly those who are from communities that are underserved and underrepresented in Kinesiology.
- Increase the diversity of Kinesiology faculty & staff via inclusive application pools by:
- Utilizing U-M approved HR documents to guide and support the principles, practices, and procedures (best practices) for all faculty and staff searches/hires.
- Requiring DEI-related training for individuals involved in searches for all faculty and staff positions.
- Requiring Search Committees to report their efforts to obtain broadly diverse applicant pools.
- Improve faculty and staff inclusion, engagement, and belonging in Kinesiology
- Intentionality to using more inclusive language.
- Offering community building/bonding opportunities, programs, activities, and practices for faculty and staff.
- Identifying and addressing ways and means by which faculty and staff may be othered and marginalized.
- Enhance Kinesiology faculty, staff, and student competence/ability to engage in diversity/inclusion by:
- Maintaining an online (e-portal) of resources related to diversity, equity, and/or inclusion.
- Offering DEI-related trainings/professional development (workshops, seminars, programs, activities, etc.).
- Encourage and support Kinesiology faculty, staff, and student engagement in diversity and inclusion by:
- Offering students grants to support DEI-related instruction, scholarship, and/or service.
- Offering faculty grants to support DEI-related instruction, scholarship, and/or service.
- Offering staff grants to support DEI-related initiatives.
- Increase Kinesiology faculty, staff, and student accountability for diversity, equity, and inclusion by:
- Requiring faculty and staff to document their DEI contributions in their annual reviews/productivity reports.
- Requiring Kinesiology funded student associations to engage in at least one program a year related to DEI.
- Promote equity and transparency in Kinesiology by posting accurate policies, practices, and procedures:
- Communicating Kinesiology processes, and revising and making accessible Kinesiology ‘governing’ documents such as the Undergraduate Handbook, Graduate Bulletin, and the Faculty and Staff Handbook.
- Using U-M pathways conflict resolutions process for faculty, staff, and students.
- Sexual harassment and misconduct prevention training for the Kinesiology community.