Master's Program

Program Overview
The Athletic Training Master of Science program at the University of Michigan means unparalleled access to the nation’s top researchers, medical practitioners, and clinical settings. At graduation, our students will be proficient in the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries. Our curriculum combines classroom instruction with hands-on clinical experiences and valuable mentorships. Through these experiences, the Athletic Training program will prepare students for a career as an athletic trainer in secondary schools, colleges, universities, sports medicine clinics, professional sports programs, industrial settings, and other healthcare environments.
The University of Michigan Athletic Training Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). Students who complete this program will receive an Athletic Training Master of Science degree and meet the requirements to sit for the Board of Certification Examination. Certification is required to practice athletic training in most states.

Mission and Educational Objectives
The mission of the University of Michigan Athletic Training Program is to develop allied health professionals who will be contributing members to the field of athletic training.
Our educational objectives are:
- Promote professional conduct in compliance with the code of ethics set forth by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA).
- Effectively deliver the curricular content set forth by CAATE in the specific areas of: patient/client care; prevention, health promotion, and wellness; and health care administration.
- Ensure that each student has the opportunity to work in a variety of clinical settings in order to gain a greater familiarity with traditional and non-traditional venues in which athletic training services are administered.
- Offer athletic training students challenging situations to apply classroom theory to clinical practice in a supervised setting.
- Expose the athletic training student to a variety of medical and allied health care professionals.
Athletic Training Graduate Faculty
Our Athletic Training graduate faculty are leaders in their fields, and have a variety of interests and specialties. View the AT graduate faculty list.
AT Program Outcomes
CAATE Program Information and Outcomes Page: caate.net/program-info/1.
Forms & Bulletins
AT MS Handbook
AT Master's 2-Year Sample Curriculum
- AT Master's Two-Year Academic Plan (5/20/2024)
Syllabus for Prerequisite Coursework
School Bulletin
Bulletins contain important information about graduate study in the University of Michigan School of Kinesiology. They provide key information about academic program requirements, rules, and regulations of our School. Please also consult U-M’s Rackham School of Graduate Studies website at rackham.umich.edu for more expansive and detailed information.
- Graduate Bulletin 2024-25
- Graduate Bulletin 2023-24
- Graduate Bulletin 2022-23
- Graduate Bulletin for AT Masters Program 2021-22
View all AT documents on the Forms and Bulletins page.
Licensure Disclosure
The University of Michigan Athletic Training Program is accredited by, and satisfies academic requirements for, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE), and remains in good standing. Upon graduation, students are eligible to sit for the National Board of Certification Exam (BOC). Currently, 49 states and the District of Columbia regulate the practice of athletic training (California is currently the only state that does not regulate the profession of athletic training). Individuals must be legally recognized by the appropriate state regulatory agency prior to practicing athletic training. BOC certification is recognized and required by all Athletic Trainer state regulatory agencies. Compliance with state regulatory requirements is mandatory and the only avenue to legal athletic training practice. We note that we cannot confirm whether all educational prerequisites to licensure can be satisfied through completion of the program in other states. We advise you to contact the appropriate licensing agency in the state where you are located and, if different, the state where you intend to seek licensure.