Graduate Financial Aid
Funding for Prospective Master's Students
The U-M Office of Financial Aid (OFA) provides the main source of funds for financing your graduate education. This office provides need-based assistance in the form of federal loans and College Work Study. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application to apply for this assistance. The U-M Federal School Code for the FAFSA is 002325.
Tuition and cost of living expenses. Full-term tuition at the School of Kinesiology is set by the U-M Office of the Registrar. Each year near the beginning of term, updated tuition and fees are posted on the Registrar's website. There are many factors to take into consideration when calculating the cost of living in Ann Arbor. The U-M Office of Financial Aid provides a standard student budget to help get you started.
The following are external, non-University scholarship opportunities that may be of interest to University/College students. Inclusion of an external scholarship opportunity is intended only as a resource for students, and does not express or imply any University involvement with, or endorsement of, the external program.
AAUW Fellowships and Grants. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is the nation’s leading voice promoting equity and education for women and girls. They encourage women graduate students and scholars to apply for an AAUW fellowship or grant. Deadlines for awards depend on the award, falling sometime between November 1 and December 1. Learn more on the AAUW Educational Funding and Awards page.
Athletic Training Assistantships. We do not have a master’s level assistantship program; however, our various athletic programs do offer assistantships outside of the academic program. These are posted throughout the year on the University’s jobs page at umjobs.org. Select “Athletics” under the Career Interest heading.
Funding for Prospective PhD Students
All PhD students in the School of Kinesiology are considered for funding - there is no separate application. The typical funding package includes a minimum of four years of funding, contingent on successful academic performance, teaching evaluations and progress toward your degree. This support includes tuition and stipend for four fall and four winter terms and year-round health benefits. Funding also includes a stipend for one summer term. The funding may come in the form of a graduate student instructor assistantship, a graduate research assistantship or fellowship. Additional funding may be available.
For other financial aid, such as loans and grants, contact the U-M Office of Financial Aid (734-763-6600). In addition, the Rackham Fellowships Office (734-764-8119) has information on fellowships and scholarships from outside agencies.
Funding Opportunities for Incoming and Current Graduate Students
Emergency Support
Emergency Fund for Kinesiology Students is a discretionary fund used for students who have unexpected financial needs. Use our form to apply.
Rackham Graduate Student Emergency Fund is intended to help meet the financial needs of Rackham graduate students who encounter an emergency situation or one-time, unusual, or unforeseen expenses during their degree program. Visit the Rackham site to learn more and apply
Dean of Students Emergency Funds are available to students who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses due to temporary hardship related to an unforeseen or emergency situation. The goal is to provide flexible assistance in a timely manner to help students continue successfully in school. Learn more and apply
Program Support
Sport Management Application for Funding to Support Experiential Learning is used for students to request funding to support experiential learning activities. Experiential learning activities are hands-on activities that complement your learning outside of the classroom, reinforcing content learned in your courses. Such activities might include participation in a sales competition, case competition, or business conference. Applications may be submitted beginning October 1st through April 1st. Apply Now!
Athletic Training Student Assistance Award is intended to help current athletic training students who need financial assistance to support education-related expenses. Applications are open year round. Apply Now!
Kinesiology Journal Club Funding Award is intended to help Journal Clubs with funding for refreshments at meetings. Students may submit a request for $50 per journal club meeting through the fund application. All applications must be submitted at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.
Professional Development Grant is intended to provide opportunities for graduate students to take part in the life of their academic professions. This fund was created to encourage and support participation in professional development events. These funds should be used to pay the registration fee for a workshop or defray the cost of travel to a professional development workshop. Apply Now!
Incoming Student Scholarships
Students may apply for more than one scholarship. Recipients are chosen by the Scholarship Committee and recognized at the annual Graduate Student Research Showcase and Spring Commencement.
Don Canham Endowed Fellowship
- Open to a recently admitted Sport Management master’s student for Fall 2025
- Award amount: $10,000
The Don Canham Fellowship honors the memory of a visionary and legend in intercollegiate athletics. Don spent more than 40 years at the University of Michigan. First, he was a successful track and field coach. Then from 1968-1988, he was the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics. His aggressive ideas in marketing and promotion generated revenues that made Michigan Athletics one of the most self-sufficient programs in the country. This fellowship recognizes two Sport Management graduate student at the Master’s level who has been admitted for the Fall 2025 term. The fellowship will cover a portion of graduate student tuition for one semester.
Application Opens: March 1, 2025
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025
Debra and Mark Klein Family Scholarship
- Open to a recently admitted Sport Management or Movement Science Master's student for Fall 2025
- Award amount: $7,000
To recognize the resiliency and perseverance (overcoming hardships) of a master’s student, admitted for the Fall 2025 term, in their pursuit of graduate education.
Application Opens: March 1, 2025
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025
Peter C. & Betty Jane Kinyon Fellowship
- Open to a recently admitted Athletic Training or Movement Science master's student for Fall 2025
- Award amount: $9,000
The Peter C. & Betty Jane Kinyon Fellowship was established to recognize those students who embody the Michigan difference. This will be demonstrated through their innovation, creativity, character, leadership, and collegiality.
Application Opens: March 1, 2025
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025
Steven W. Sarns Graduate Fellowship
- Open to a recently admitted Movement Science master’s student for Fall 2025
- Award amount: $3,000
This scholarship recognizes meritorious students who have received praiseworthy academically related honors, awards, and/or distinguished recognition.
Application Opens: March 1, 2025
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025
Sport Management Advisory Board Scholarship
- Open to recently admitted Sport Management master’s student for Fall 2025
- Award amount: $8,000
To recognize a student enrolled in Sport Management who is preparing for a career in the sport industry.
Application Opens: March 1, 2025
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025
Lucile M. Swift Honors Scholarship
- Open to a recently admitted Athletic Training or Movement Science master's student for Fall 2025
- Award amount: $4,000
Lucile M. Swift, BS '39, created the Lucile M. Swift Honor Award to financially assist a Kinesiology student who demonstrates professional promise, superior scholarship, as well as financial need.
Application Opens: March 1, 2025
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025
Henry Family Scholarship
- Open to a recently admitted Movement Science or Sport Management master's student for Fall 2025
- Award amount: $3,000
The Henry Family Scholarship was created to financially assist a Kinesiology student who demonstrates professional promise, superior scholarship, as well as financial need.
Application Opens: March 1, 2025
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025
Paley Scholarship
- Open to a recently admitted Athletic Training master's student for Fall 2025
- Award amount: $10,000
The Paley Scholarship was created to support students within the School of Kinesiology, who are part of the Athletic Training Program.
Application Opens: March 1, 2025
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025
Graduate Student Travel Awards
The Kinesiology Graduate Committee Conference Travel Grant is intended to provide opportunities for graduate students to become familiar with, and take part in the life of, their academic professions. To encourage and support travels, these funds have allowed the graduate committee to provide additional funding for international travel. Apply for funding using the Graduate Student Conference Travel Request Form.
The Shirley Cooper Graduate Student Travel Award is intended to support international travel. The fund is to be used for awards to graduate students to assist them in furthering research or scholarship through international travel to other institutions or international scholarship seminars. These funds were donated by Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Templin, Judith Bischoff, and Dr. Nancy Wessinger in honor of Dr. Shirley Cooper, Professor Emerita. There will be at least one award per fiscal year, for travel from July 1 through June 30. Apply for funding using the Graduate Student Conference Travel Request Form.
Kinesiology Graduate Student Awards
Students may apply for more than one award. Recipients are chosen by the Graduate Committee and recognized at the annual Graduate Student Research Showcase and Spring Commencement.
*Recipients are chosen by the internship committee.
Paul A. Hunsicker Memorial Award
- Open to all School of Kinesiology doctoral students
- Award amount: $1,000
The Paul A. Hunsicker Memorial Award honors the memory of Professor Paul Hunsicker, Chair of the Department of Physical Education for Men, 1958-70, and Director of the Department of Physical Education, 1970-76. The award recognizes two (2) graduate students who have demonstrated superior scholarship and professional zeal and promise.
Application Opens: October 14, 2024
Application Deadline: November 10, 2024
Lou Ann Brown and Nancy L. Erickson Endowed Scholarship
- Open to Club sport, Intramural sport, or Esport participants
- Award amount: $2,000
This award is to recognize a master’s student who has shown superior scholarship and for whom participation in a club sport, intramural sport, or Esport will offer a unique enhancement to their U-M student experience. Two (2) awards will be granted in the Winter semester. Students are eligible to receive this award one time per academic year. This is a need-based award.
Application Opens: December 2, 2024
Application Deadline: January 5, 2025
Victor L. Katch Award for Excellence
- Open to current Movement Science PhD or Master's students
- Award amount: $1,000
The Victor L. Katch Award for Excellence honors an outstanding Kinesiology student who has significant research productivity including, but not limited to, first author research publications in refereed journals, research presentations at national or international scientific meetings, or receipt of research grants or fellowships, while in the Movement Science program.
Application Opens: October 14, 2024
Application Deadline: November 10, 2024
Summer Internship Assistance Scholarship*
- Open to Graduate students with a Spring/Summer internship
Internship Assistance Awards seek to support current Kinesiology students (graduate and undergraduate) who need financial assistance with (1) workshop/registration fees, (2) summer housing while participating in this experience, or (3) travel to/from a summer internship or clinical experience. The scholarship funds will be available for distribution during the Spring/Summer semester and must be used to cover expenses related to one of the aforementioned causes. If you are not enrolled in courses for the spring/summer semester, this award will count against your cost of attendance in winter or fall term.
Application Deadline: May 3, 2025
Rackham Awards and Fellowships
Rackham Graduate School offers several awards in two categories: Program Nomination and Student Application. Students cannot apply to Rackham directly for awards listed under the heading Program Nomination.
Program Nomination
Deadlines listed for the following awards are set by the School of Kinesiology to ensure ample time for Graduate Committee review.
Rackham Non-Traditional Student Fellowship
The Rackham Graduate School established the Rackham Non-Traditional program to aid master’s students who return to graduate school after an extended absence. Because an interruption in schooling may place such students at a disadvantage in competing for financial assistance awarded at the time of admission, these awards (one term of tuition and associated fees) help non-traditional students fund their return to formal education. One term of tuition and associated fees is covered.
Open to all School of Kinesiology master's students who fit the following criteria:
- They have been away from academic study toward a formal degree for at least three years, unless the student’s department requires certain courses as a prerequisite within one year of beginning the program;
- They are a first- or second-year student in a Rackham master’s program and enrolled for a minimum of three (3) credits in the term in which the award is applied.
Visit Rackham's website for more information regarding this award.
Please do not try to apply directly to this award via the Rackham website. Applications must be submitted to School of Kinesiology (see below).
Application opens: August 26, 2024
Application deadline: September 15, 2024
Rackham One Term Dissertation Fellowship
Rackham One-Term Dissertation Fellowships are intended to speed the process of completing the dissertation. Except in unusual cases, they should be awarded to students who are at the writing stage of the dissertation. This will permit candidates to work full-time on the final stages of their dissertations.
Open to all School of Kinesiology doctoral students who fit the following criteria:
- Have achieved candidacy prior to the beginning of the term in which they receives the fellowship
- Have established a dissertation committee and submitted the Nomination of Dissertation Committee form to the Rackham Academic Records and Dissertation Office prior to the beginning of the term in which they receive the fellowship
- Recipients may not be employed more than (10) ten hours a week during the tenure of the fellowship
- Recipients may not hold this award in conjunction with other awards
Visit Rackham's website for more information regarding this award.
Please do not try to apply directly to this award via the Rackham website. Applications must be submitted to School of Kinesiology (see below).
Application opens: February 1, 2025
Application deadline: March 1, 2025
ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
The ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards recognize highly accomplished graduate students who have produced exceptional dissertations of outstanding scholarly quality in any field of study. Awards of $1,000. Students are nominated by their faculty advisor.
Open to all School of Kinesiology doctoral students who fit the following criteria:
- Must be awarded the doctoral degree during the 2024 calendar year, which includes commencements held in May, August, or December.
Students who defend their dissertation in Fall 2024 but do not receive their degree until May 2025 are ineligible for the current year, but may be nominated for the 2025 competition.
Visit Rackham's website for more information regarding this award.
Please do not try to apply directly to this award via the Rackham website. Applications must be submitted to the School of Kinesiology by your faculty advisor.
Faculty will receive an email regarding procedures and required documentation on or about September 5.
Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship Program
The Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship supports outstanding doctoral students who have achieved candidacy and are actively working on dissertation research and writing. They seek to support students working on dissertations that are unusually creative, ambitious and impactful.
Fellowships include a stipend of $32,640 (currently), candidacy tuition and required fees for twelve months. GradCare health and dental insurance will be provided during the fellowship period. Students may receive only one award.
Open to all School of Kinesiology doctoral students advanced to candidacy by the Rackham Office of Academic Records and Dissertations.
Visit Rackham's website for more information regarding this award.
Application opens: October 1, 2024
Application deadline: October 31, 2024
Lipschutz, Ayers Host & Olcott Smith
The purpose of this award is to recognize and support promising women scholars. Award recipients will have demonstrated exceptional scholarly achievement, a sense of social responsibility, and an interest in the success of women in the academic community.
The award includes $6,000 award for Spring/Summer support. Students may receive this award only one time.
Open to School of Kinesiology female students actively pursuing a doctoral degree, who will have achieved candidacy by the application deadline.
Visit Rackham's website for more information regarding this award.
Please do not try to apply directly to this award via the Rackham website. Applications must be submitted to School of Kinesiology (see below).
Application Opens: November 1, 2024
Application Deadline: December 1, 2024
Rackham International Student & Chia Lun Lo Fellowship
The Rackham International Student Fellowship assists outstanding international students, particularly those who may be ineligible for other kinds of support because of citizenship. In addition, the Chia-Lun Lo Fellowship assists outstanding students in Rackham programs who have earned a previous degree from a university in Taiwan.
These fellowships will be awarded in a combined competition. Awards of $10,000 may be used as stipend or tuition. Students may receive this award only once.
Open to all School of Kinesiology master's or pre-candidate students.
Visit Rackham's website for more information regarding this award.
Please do not try to apply directly to this award via the Rackham website. Applications must be submitted to School of Kinesiology (see below).
Application Opens: August 26, 2024
Application Deadline: September 15, 2024
Student Application
Several Rackham Awards & Fellowships that do not require nomination from the Graduate Committee are listed below. Please visit Rackham’s website for additional awards and funding that you may be eligible for.
- Rackham Program in Public Scholarship. Deadline: Mid-October for initial letter of intent
- Gupta Values Scholarship. Deadline: February
- International Research Awards. Deadline: February
- Rackham Fall and Winter Term Doctoral Internships Deadline: Winter - Mid-October, Fall - Mid-February
- Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship Deadline:Mid-November
- Institute for Social Research (ISR) - Summer Training Awards Deadline: Late February
- Harold and Vivian Shapiro/John Malik/Jean Forrest Awards Deadline: Mid - October
- Debt Management Awards Deadline: Mid - April
Rackham awards available throughout the year (deadlines classified as ongoing).
- Rackham Conference Travel Grant
- Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant
- Rackham Graduate Student Emergency Funds
- King-Chavez-Parks Initiative, Future Faculty Fellowship
- Dean’s Strategic Initiatives
- Rackham Professional Development Grant
- Rackham Doctoral Intern Fellowship Program
- Rackham Graduate Student Professional Travel with Children Grant
Other Opportunities
University of Michigan Opportunities
Center for the Education of Women scholarships and fellowships
- CEW offers several funding options for graduate students. Visit the CEW Funding page to learn more.
Michigan Institute for Clinical Research (MICHR) - Summer Immersion Program
- This program runs from late May through early August, and supports up to 18 students each year. Deadline for MICHR applications are usually in February.
Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Training Program (BIDS-TP)
- The University of Michigan Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Training Program (BIDS-TP) aims to train a cadre of data-savvy, computationally-skilled, and highly-motivated biomedical scholars through development of an intellectually-stimulating environment and implementation of an effective competency-based curriculum.
National Awards and Fellowships
Many of our students have been successful at obtaining funding and awards from sources outside the university. Some of the more popular awards are listed below.
Please note that specific University of Michigan procedures need to be instituted for external research awards and fellowships. All opportunities listed below are subject to internal processes. If you and your faculty advisor choose to apply for a research funding opportunity that is not listed below, please email Elizabeth Tropiano at [email protected] for a determination. If the application must be processed through the University of Michigan system, it is recommended that you begin preparing your application and speak with the Research Process Manager (see contact information below) 8 -12 weeks prior to the sponsor deadline.
Research Process Manager
Elizabeth Tropiano
[email protected]
The American Kinesiology Scholar Awards
These awards honor a select number of students from member departments, recommended by department faculty, whose academic and leadership records are distinctive. The awards are intended to recognize and promote academic excellence, to further the professional competence and dedication of academically accomplished students and to promote kinesiology and its related fields. Students are nominated by the Graduate Committee for this prestigious award. Interested applicants should work with their Faculty Advisor to prepare the required documents for submission to the Graduate Committee as directed below.
Funding/Award Amount: Certificate of Recognition. If selected by the American Kinesiology Association (AKA) for the National Award.
Application Requirements:
- Doctoral Scholar Award. To be considered for U-M Kinesiology’s nomination, the faculty advisor and the student should work together to prepare and submit a 2-page (maximum length) CV after ensuring the student meets the following criteria as required by the AKA:
- 3.75 GPA
- Expected to graduate in the 2025 calendar year.
- Demonstrates exceptional scholarly interest in field of kinesiology.
- Demonstrated leadership and service in the profession.
- Master's Scholar Award. To be considered for U-M Kinesiology’s nomination, the faculty advisor and the student should work together to prepare and submit a 2-page (maximum length) CV after ensuring the student meets the following criteria as required by the AKA:
- 3.50 GPA
- Expected to graduate in the 2025 calendar year.
- Demonstrates exceptional scholarly interest in field of kinesiology.
- Demonstrated leadership and service in the profession.
- Graduate Student Writing Award. To be considered for U-M Kinesiology’s nomination, the faculty advisor and the student should work together to select a publication for consideration by the graduate program ensuring that both the student and the selected publication meet the following criteria as required by the AKA:
- The student nominated must be first author on the publication.
- Papers must be published in the previous calendar year. Nominations for the 2025 award must have a 2024 date. On-line journal publications are acceptable with documentation that the publication is in its final form.
- In-press manuscripts are not eligible.
- The paper must have been accepted for publication while the graduate student was enrolled in the department (i.e. papers accepted after graduation are not eligible)
Application emailed Application Deadline: TBD, usually in mid-February
More National Awards:
Review the Outside Funding Sources document to learn about other national funding opportunities.