Movement for Health & Well-Being
Movement for Health & Well-Being
Several of our labs investigate how physical activity affects the body and mind on all levels: From maintaining the integrity of DNA, to improving mental health and glucose metabolism, to managing Type 2 Diabetes.
Affiliated Labs
Implementing and evaluating health behavior interventions for cancer survivors to reduce health disparities.
Exploring glucose, fat, and protein metabolism in healthy and disease states
Discovering how exercise maintains the structure and integrity of DNA
Evaluating evidence-based strategies for improving arterial health in ways that work for real people
Developing tools to engage people in the ordinary behaviors that have an extraordinary impact on health and well-being
Understanding neurodivergent and neurotypical motor and visual development
Evidence-based training, rehabilitation, and health promotion across the lifespan
Promoting physical activity across the lifespan for health and well-being
Understanding how exercise and diet improve metabolic health
Affiliated Faculty
Haylie Miller, PhD
Areas of Interest
Use of visual information and attention to guide motor planning, execution, and modification of movement in neurodivergence; health disparities among underrepresented groups in the autism community...
Melissa Gross, PhD
Areas of Interest
Behavioral biomechanics; musculoskeletal biomechanics; active learning.
David Conroy, PhD, FACSM, FSBM
Areas of Interest
Motivation, habit formation and automaticity, behavioral intervention, digital health, adherence to behavior change, healthy aging
Andrew Ludlow, PhD
Areas of Interest
Telomeres, telomerase, alternative splicing regulation, chromatin biology, miRNAs, RNA biology, diseases of aging, and cancer.