The Kinesiology Career Development Center utilizes Handshake to promote job and internship opportunities to Kinesiology students.
With Handshake you’ll be able to:
- Customize your career interests
- Apply for jobs and internships
- Register for career center events
- Examine career resources and tips
- Explore the app
- Review employer profiles
Note: Handshake policy statement
How to access Handshake:
- Log in to umich.joinhandshake.com with your umich email and password
- Build your profile, set up your preferences, and begin to explore opportunities of interest
Need help? Find 2-minute videos and answers to frequently asked questions in the Handshake Help Center. Go to myumi.ch/GkG50, or find it under "Help" in the upper right side of your screen after you log into your Handshake account. If you require assistance from the University Career Center, please submit your question using the Handshake Help Form.
As a University of Michigan student, you are able to access Handshake using either desktop or mobile devices. To access on mobile, download their free app from iTunes or Google Play.
Promote your full-time, internship, and shadowing opportunities for U-M Kinesiology students on Handshake. Learn more at kines.umich.edu/employers.
Job, internship, and event postings are included due to their potential interest to students. Inclusion of a posting does not imply school endorsement of the particular program, opportunity or school/employer described.